New year, new blog

I’m forever telling myself I’ll start a blog and forever not getting around to it. OR forever writing tortured, self-conscious first posts and later consigning them to oblivion.

But this is the year, I think. I started a job in local news. And as I work deeper into the particulars and nuances of that job, I find myself wanting a platform to share more with readers.

This is partly inspired by things I’ve read about Hearken’s “Open Notebook,” a nascent (?) project designed to build reader trust. It’s also borne out of my frustration with Twitter and Facebook both as companies and platforms for substantive discussion.

But it mostly draws from my earnest belief that moving to a local paper affords me a unique chance to engage readers in my community. And maybe to demystify — for just a few people!! — a profession that many dislike and distrust lately.

More tk, as they say. This is all an experiment! But man, it feels good to write a first post and actually publish it…

Caitlin Dewey1 Comment